$220.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I agree to pay 3 monthly installments of $220. Due to the nature of this course, there will be no refunds, credits or exchanges. By clicking this box and processing payment, you agree to these terms.

The "I Feel So Juicy" Challenge

What's included in The "I Feel So Juicy" Challenge?…

➡️ Access 30 days of daily practices: Nutritional Movement & Meditations for Sexual Healing and Juicy embodied expression created by Tamina Paris.

* 3 month access. 

➡️ 1x Zoom QnA: 60 mins of Live group coaching with Tamina to support your nutritional absorption of this challenge! Bring your experience, and share in community.

➡️ Digital Diary: A Self-Reflection Integration process to digest your experience

➡️ Private group chat:
to connect with the Creator Community

By Selecting the Payment Plan Option: 3 automatic payments of $220 will be made monthly on the date of your first payment.